How To Done SEO OF Your Blog Post | TECH GARNER

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Today we will discuss SEO tricks which will attract more and more visitors to your blog. You have no need to know much more about SEO, if you want to get a compressive idea about it and want to implement these techniques quickly on the blog then you are at the right place. SEO strategy is helpful to increase the CTR of your blog and are greatly responsible for sending organic traffic to your blog. So a blog post written with an SEO strategy is always important for search engines that's why these tricks become very useful for bloggers, previously we have shared basic SEO tricks for blogger but today we will learn more about these tricks.

How To Make Blog Post SEO Friendly

Make Some Keyword Research

Before writing or preparing an article, it is advisable to give some time in keyword research which will give you the basic idea of important keywords for your article along with their competition on the internet. The procedure to find suitable keywords for an article is given here.

Proper Placing Of Keywords

Now you have a number of keywords in your hand and you have to place those keywords in at an appropriate position. You have to remember the following 3 points before adding keywords.

Keywords in title

Include your low competition keywords in the title of the post so that it doesn't it completely clarify your post content.

In heading Tag

You can also include keywords in <h1>, <h2> and <h3> heading tag 

In Content

It is always a best practice to keep your keyword density from 1 to 3%, there is no exact ratio defined so the best practice is to keep this ratio in this range.

First and last 100 words of your blog post should contain keywords.

Make Outbound Linking

Make a habit to include the link of another website in your content from where you reference something, if you are thinking it will lead to losing your visitors then, of course, this may also happen but it is an important strategy comes under the SEO so forget about to lose visitors just make some good linkage with some other websites or blog.

Use Images

To describe your article instantly, include a suitable image at a proper position within your blog content. You can tag images to maximize the benefits. The complete procedure of tagging an image is described in a separate tutorial.

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